CMP Statement on the Supreme Court’s Overturn of Roe v. Wade

Founder and President of The Center for Medical Progress, David Daleiden, released this statement today about the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson overruling the faulty 1900s-era Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey abortion decisions:

CMP’s undercover videos exposing the barbaric sale of aborted fetuses and their body parts at Planned Parenthood demonstrated the dehumanizing cruelty of industrial-scale abortion to the whole country. Now, the national tragedy of industrial-scale, state-sponsored violation of the human right to life of infants in the womb is ending because the need for common sense limits on abortion forced the Supreme Court to look at the equal human dignity of our brothers and sisters before birth. A new bigger, better, brighter chapter begins today as the responsibility to empower women and protect infant lives returns to the people. Together, we will make our communities safe for the two lives, mama and infant, who need help in every unplanned or challenging pregnancy, and we celebrate the dawning era where there is no longer a price tag put on human life.

—David Daleiden, Founder and President, The Center for Medical Progress


Watch the undercover videos and learn more about CMP’s investigative reporting here:

David Daleiden is available for further comment or interview at